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Founded 1999 December 16, 2000

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The U.S. Department of State Report on Human Rights for 1999

The Introduction to the Department of State's 1999 Report on Human Rights.
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Harold Hongju Koh, Assistant Secretary Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor

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New Image for US Torture School

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Condemned to Hell on Earth

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As we approach the Christmas season, Christians are generally reminded to remember those not so fortunate as themselves. Around the world in well over a hundred countries people languish in prison for political "crimes". They are held without evidence, often for years with no trial, isolated from family and friends, beaten, brutalized, raped, reduced to living in filth and subjected to a myriad number of physical and psychological means of torture to extract the all important confession. This is a look at some of those individuls in their own words and also a look at the human rights records of the countries in which they were tortured. In addition, the relationship to the United States, or some of its allies is explored where applicable.

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Cries from Putin's Torture Pit (The Guardian of Great Britain )

Human Rights Watch 2000: The Russian Federation ( Human Rights Watch )


Faces of Torture Ani Pachen (Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition )


Faces of Torture Dr. Dodo Maheri (Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition )


Turkish Security Forces Raid Prisons, Ending Hunger Strike Go to website, click on English, Scroll to headline (Frankfurter Rundschau )

Faces of Torture Osman Baydemir (Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition )

Faces of Toture Julia Hermanns (Torture Abolition and Survivors Support coalition )

Human Rights Watch: Turkey (HRW Website)

Leyla Zana, Kurdish Activist in Turkish Prison, sentenced to two years more in prison. (American Kurdish Information Network)

This years US arms sales to Turkey top $1 billion and include contractors Boeing, Honeywell, Raytheon (US Report on the Middle East)

Ocalan Wins Death Penalty Hearing (BBC)


Inside al-Khiam prison in Lebanon (BBC)

The use of torture against Palestinian political prisoners and detainees in Israeli jails. (Miftah)

Human Rights Watch 2000: Israel, the Occupied West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Palestinian Authority Territories (BBC)

Aid to Israel, go to website, click on Current Issues, then aid to Israel (Council for the National Interest Newsletter)


Faces of Torture Sister Diana Ortiz, OSU (Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition)

Human Rights Watch 2000: Guatemala (Human Rights Watch Website)

Graduates of the School of the Americas in Guatemala (SOA Website)


Source of Terror is from State not Rebels. November 27, 2000 (Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition)

Human Rights Watch 2000: Mexico (HRW Website)

School of the Americas Graduates in Mexico (SOA Website)


Martine Songasonga Faces of Torture (Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Network)

UN Says 16 million People Devastated by Congo War (Reuters)

African Wars Fueled by Russian Arms and US Training (Interpress Service)

Human Rights Watch 2000: The Democratic Republic of Congo (HRW Website)


Faces of Torture Mehdi Zana (Torture Abolition And Survivors Support Coalition)

Why Eritre-Ethiopia Arms Ban Hurts...Russia (

Human Rights Watch 2000: The Federal Republic of Ethiopia (HRW Website)

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