GlobalSpin News & Views from Abroad

Founded 1999 June 9, 2001


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This week's Editorial

Mirror as Mirror of the World
click here to read full article

Reality Bytes
War Heroes
by Jenifer Dixon
Quotes from This Week's Articles

"Roosevelt's intentions were clearly exposed in 1940 when Tyler Kent, code clerk at the U.S. embassy in London, discovered secret dispatches between Roosevelt and Churchill. These revealed that FDR - despite contrary campaign promises - was determined to engage America in the war. Kent smuggled some of these documents out of the embassy, hoping to alert the American public - but was caught. With U.S. government approval, he was tried in a secret British court and confined to a British prison until the war's end." from
Pearl Harbor: The Facts Behind the Fiction by James Perloff

"Hong Kong news media point out that the awards went to "Crouching Tiger" are a result of deep consideration by American film companies. For them, the film serves as touchstone for emtry into Chinese markets. China must open its film markets with its impending WTO membership and these are great opportunities for them." from
"Crouching Tiger", Glory Won: Hollywood Scheme?" in The People's Daily of China

"The reasons for this disaffection are multiple, but we could begin with the sickly and abstracted state of journalism which is going fast downhill "as mainstream press and TV News outlets purvey more 'lifestyule' stories, trivia, scandal, celebrity gossip, sensational crime, sex in high places and tabloidism at the expense of serious news in a cynical effort to maximize readership and viewership: as editors collude ever more willingly with marketers, promotion experts and advertisers, thus ceding a portion of their sacred editorial trust; as editors shrink from tough coverage of major advertisers lest they jeopardize ad revenue."

"Between 1970 and 1997 the perecentage of adults regularly reading a daily paper fell from 78% to 59%. among readers between 21 and 35, the figures are even more depressing: 67% were regulars readers in 1965, 39% in 1990, and only 31% in 1998." from
Myopic and Cheapskate Journalism in Le Monde Diplomatique

"Supposedly the film cost $14 million to produce. Almost all of this was spent blowing up Hawaii. Little if any money was spent on a script- girl meets boy, boy goes away, Japanese try to destroy civilised world, boy comes back - but, in this case, I believe that director Michael Bay made a very wise decision," from
"Blow the Budget" in The Guardian

"Hundreds of millions of people saw the victims of the ethnic killings, set alongside commentary which were for the most part completely erroneous."
"The confusion, generally unconscious, between seeing and knowing, and seeing and understanding, is used by television to manipulate people. In a dictatorship censorship is used; in a democracy, manipulation." from
"Media as mirror of the World" in Le Monde

"We're living in the New World Entertainment Order,...
"You are competing against everything else. Everything. From an entertainment executives point of view, every product in the media multiverse is simultaneously competing with everything else out there - not for honor or recognition, but for market share and consumer dollars. There is no such thing as an isolated medium, so your product has got to stand up to universal expectations of production and entertainment value no matter what medium you are working in. MaximIII: Your product must fulfill the audience need to be entertained." from
A customer review of A Handbook For Artists in the New Economy" in

"I don't like him. H likes to give the impression that our destiny moves him, but I don't believe him. He claims to speak of others but never stops speaking of himself." from
Russia through the small screen in Le Monde

"Nature as a sacred powerful milieu has been replaced by Technology as our sacred powerful milieu." from a customer review of
Technology as Magic: the Triumph of the Irational in

"In the latter matter, he shows beyond a doubt that a very narrow viewpoint is being portrayed in Hollywood, to the nearly complete exclusion of all other viewpoints. A move detrimental to americans AND the entertainment industry." from a customer review of
Hollywood vs. America in

"What we have here is a bargaining relationship between economic power and political poer; you give me two seats in the next cabinet plus a chunky bribe, and in exchange, I mobilise the media that I control to improve your image and ensure your re-election." from
Buying up the Russian media in Le Monde

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