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Founded 1999 December 24, 2000


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This week's Editorial

Troubled Pope Rallies Hope At Christmas
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Reality Bytes

by BBC
Twas The Night Before Christmas

Twas the Night before Christmas
And all over the earth, not a creature was stiring
It was no cause for mirth

The suburbs had driven them out to the brink
To the edge of man's cities
Most were extinct

The shoppers were tracking the malls were despair
And hoping the market would not take a dive
It was their god-given duty to keep it alive

With Shrub in the White House and Bore in a slump
The country was reeling from post election fraud funk

When out on the Net there arose such a chatter
It seemed everyone knew just what was the matter

Away to the Windows I flew with a flash
Downloaded a program and heard this newsflash

The armies of Israel in Bethlehem town
Were guning the children of Palestine down
But, oh, they were saying
Our history's been sad
It is for that reason
You can't call us bad

And back in the White House with President Bill
Who knew at the moment he'd have to be quick
And exit the city before lawsuits could stick
As legions of women from everywhere came
And hooted and hollered and called him by name,p> Hey sleezebag! Hey rapist! Now liar ! Now cheat!
Have you ever in all your days been able to bleet?
The unvarnished truth
In the simplest of ways?

In the Capital City, at the head of the heap
Now dash away, dash away
You're still a creep

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly
The children of Africa, collapse, and then die
So off to the place, Pzizer Company goes
With bags full of drugs, they wish to try

On children, they figure, will anyway die
Let them sigh waivers, they'll not be the wiser
Say chieftans and counsels of Company Pfizer

As I draw in my breathe, and am turning around
Down from the skies, come three kings with a bound

Out of their spacecraft, bearing frankincense, myrrh
They go to the Congress where they're told politicians prefer
A bundle of cash, or a junket to some place afar.
Where golden investment opportunities are

The kings, they looked sad, their eyes, so weary!
Their smiles soon disappear, their visages dreary
One cocked his head to the side, like a crow
And the beard on his chin ws as white as the snow

Now we have come back to this planet fantastic
The changes you've wrought are really quite drastic
Slagheaps, starvation, and wars by the dozen
And I cry when I think of it, my cosmic cousin
But a wink of his eye and a nod of his head
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread

You're expecting aliens to descend on your world
And save you or damn you, you're not sure which

The schims your isms create vary the pitch
But whatever you think, it's not up to us
To provide your salvation or give you a crutch

With that all three kings were whisked from our sight
But I heard one exclaim as they fled into the night
The message was simple, you can get it alright
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night

Copyright © 1999-2000, J. Dixon. All Rights Reserved.